
Friday 5th September 1808

Dear Diary,
I was in the library getting more and more frustrated with a troublesome piece by Wolfgang Amadeus when there was a knock upon the door and Ned peered in.
"Mr Austen, there is someone to see you," he said.
"Who is it?" I mouthed silently.
He looked at me bemused and then disappeared briefly, before reappearing and said;
"No, he says he is not a wizard."
I looked around for something heavy to toss at him but finding nothing, looked up again and there stood Willow in the doorway. His blue eyes fixed upon me but some of their sparkle had gone and he looked rather sad.
"Oh, Willow, come in," I smiled, "What brings you to Thrushcock?"
"Mrs Norris has sent me with news of your.....," he paused as if he was having difficulty in choosing the right words, "...intended."
"I see, and.....?"
"You are to expect her next Wednesday for a short visit with Mrs Norris to discuss further.......... nuptual arrangements." His eyes carefully took in the room and then returned to me.
"Do you play?" I asked, nodding towards my instrument.
"I know a minim from a crotchet and though I prefer to blow my instrument, I have been known to make beautiful music by using my fingers," he replied.
I thought I detected a slight upturning curl to his mouth for a brief moment.
"Come, sit beside me for awhile, if you are in no hurry," I said. " I have a feeling you maybe able to assist me in playing this con fuoco."
He did.


Anonymous said...

Does Ned play? He and Willow and you would make a delightful trio.

Willy could be your page turner.


Anonymous said...

Dear Wayne,

How fortuitous that Willow can assist you in playing your instrument especially if he has nimble fingers so necessary to play con fuoco.

Yours obbligato,


Anonymous said...

Dear Master Austen,
How delightful that Willow could be of some help with your difficult passage. Perhaps this could become a regular affair? He did relate to me how he would very much like to play something with you involving both con slancio and con amore.
Yours in festivamente
M. Gemme

Wayne Austen said...

My dear distant 'Hurdy Gurdy?'

Ned does not have a musical bone in his body...yet, wait...I believe there is one I might be able to play upon now I ponder it.

Yours poutingly,

Wayne Austen

Wayne Austen said...

My dear Mr 'Moose',

Willow is indeed something of an unexpected boon and believe me when I tell you I have not yet got to the bottom of his talents...but I shall!

Yours exploratorially,

Wayne Austen

Wayne Austen said...

My dear Mr Gemme,

I am delighted to hear of Willow's desire to play with me some more. It fair makes my metronome beat faster.

Yours steadily,

Wayne Austen

Anonymous said...

Dear Wayne,

Ah, 'bottom talents' the best ones. Your metronome must be ticking with excitement indeed.

Yours in tune,
