
Sunday 31st August 1808

Dear Diary,
A melancholy day.
I feigned fatigue to extricate myself from attending Chapel and have remained much of the day confined to my room. Ned brought up a lunch of cold chicken and found me listless upon my bed.
"Cheer up," he said "It could be worse. I have heard that Gustav fella is causing trouble elsewhere. At least you are no longer in his sights."
"I do not know what is wrong with me, " I whined, "I feel so deflated. I cannot put my finger on it."
"Well, try, " he said, "If ever I feel down I find putting my fingers on it always cheers me up."


Anonymous said...

Dear Wayne,

See just as I told you, always wise and sound advice from Ned. That always cheers me up too.

(cheered to the point of ecstasy)


Milla Widia N said...

I wondering... where is your shout box widget? haha... it's okay I can say hello from here.. have a nice day

Unknown said...

a mi tambien me animan esos deditos...

esta muy lindo el estilo de tu blog
me gusta ese estilo clasico
bueno loco
nos vemos, see you next.
bye bye.

Anonymous said...

I find that cold chicken is so much more preferable to warm fish....


Peh Noir said...

Hello Wayne,

I adored her diary and I was also happy with her visit in our blog of films...

... I hope to maintain contact with you.

Forgive my poor English... But I believe that communication exists.

Thank you again for the visit.

Wayne Austen said...

My dear distant friend,

I believe communication (of a fashion) exists also.

Yours communicatively,

Wayne Austen