
Saturday 9th August 1808

Dear Diary,
After all my exertions and the emotion of late I remained much of the day confined to my quarters and engaged in a game of solitaire and 'five against one' which I learned from a dear and intimate friend in my youth.
Oh, how it all came back to me.


Anonymous said...

Dear Wayne,

'Five against one' is I believe a handy game that must be known to lads all over the world for I have idled away many enjoyable hours playing it myself. Why I wager you would be a dab hand at the game of pocket pool as well.

Playfully yours,


Wayne Austen said...

My dear Mr 'Moose'

I would not like to comment upon that.

Yours discretely,

Wayne Austen

Starched Collar said...

My Dearest Wayne,

I once enjoyed 'crazy eights' in a tent on an excursion into the wild forest around Lake Simcoe. We also visited Thorah Island (a 'cottage' destination). The whole party were duly satisfied!

Beau Tibbs