
Friday 23rd May 1808

Dear Diary,
I awoke with a swollen gland and did not feel my self as I usually do in the morn. I had no appetite for the succulent sausage that Ned handed me, on a plate, at breakfast either.
Mrs Norris seeks me out and probes me at every opportunity and appears determined to know my heart. This afternoon, whilst we were taking tea together, she sat before me resting her cup upon her bosom and fixed me with those eyes that seem to see right through me.
" Wayne, I know you are fond of Willie," she said.
"Were," I corrected and felt myself flush.
Her attention is too intense and I am uncomfortable.
I am to Manchesterford and to Mr Griffiths for some entertainment.


Anonymous said...

Ah Wayne, swollen gland, tisk, tisk, can be troublesome. As for the rest of your first sentence I must admit I am usually of the same habit ;-)
It is understandable indeed that you developed a fondness for Willie, haven't we all.

Wayne Austen said...

My Dear Mr Mous,

I am unclear as to how many Mous's I am communicating with but, however many, I thank you from the heart of my bottom for taking the time to comment upon my jottings thus. If you would like to communicate in a less public and perhaps less archaic manner, you may contact me at
where any correspondence is collected and then delivered by a highly trained time-travelling pigeon to me here at Thrushcock Grange.

Yours gratefully,

Wayne Austen.