
Monday 7th July 1808

Dear Diary,
"I think my uncle thought we were a pair of 'homosapiens'," said a sleepy Ned as he rolled over to face me, lying wrapped in my blanket.
"I'm not no queer, Mr Austen," he went on.
"Oh, I know, and I think it would be fitting for you to call me Wayne under the circumstances, " I replied.
"Oh no! I couldn't do that. It ain't right," he said. "You coming for a swim?"
He stood up and stripped down to his undergarments and ducked out of the tent. I stuck my head out to watch his amusing, limping run towards the lake. He clambered up a large boulder on the shore, whipped off his drawers and with a hoot leapt into the water. "Come on! " he cried, "the water's.....f..f..f..freezing!" I just crawled back under my blanket.
Later when he was off up the mountain, worrying sheep, I did venture into the water myself, very gradually, and his estimation of it's temperature was quite correct.
In the afternoon I acquired more wood and tried my hand at pole whittling, as I had seen Ned do.
As the dusk began to fall and reminding me it was our last evening, he enticed me back into the icy water for a moonlit dip. I wished I had been brave enough to go naked as he did, for when I leapt off the boulder into the water, my underwear rode up and wrapped itself around my spleen...or so it seemed.


Anonymous said...

Oh, another image for you to lend me for my dreams (though I might return it a little stained).


Anonymous said...

Dear Wayne,

By virtue of your own statement I think Ned wants you "As the dusk began to fall and reminding me it was our last evening, he enticed me back into the icy water for a moonlit dip."

If Dr. Who should happen by paste the web address below into the browser on his on board computer and get some inspiration. Be brave Wayne.

Futuristically yours,


Wayne Austen said...

My dear distant Mr 'Hadley?'

An image of me with my drawers wrapped around my spleen?

Yours uncomfortably

Wayne Austen

Wayne Austen said...

My dear Mr Moose,

The magic worked and I saw the moving pictures!

Yours amazed

Wayne Austen

Anonymous said...

"An image of me with my drawers wrapped around my spleen?"

Water has a way of making fabric transparent, and then, I assume that the fair Ned was not similarly encumbered.
