
Sunday 6th April 1808

Dear Diary,
It is good to be home in the bosom of one's family again. The past days have been tranquil and peaceful and I have been very much at ease. Today we were to Chapel and discovered the Parson to be ill, though nothing, I am to believe, too serious. As his replacement mounted the pulpit, I recognised his face but could not quite place it...and then he spoke;
" Gweetings and welcome. I am Wussell Spwout."
It was the Vicar from St Hilda's in the Effin Vale.
" Let us pwaise the Lord by singing the hymn, Cwist the Lord is wisen today." Fanny could not contain her titters for much of the service and had to let them out. Vainly she tried to conceal them behind her hymnal. I snorted when the reading was from the First Epistle to the 'Hebwews'. Needless to say, we slipped out of the 'vestwy' while Wussel was thanking the pawishioners. How we laughed all the way home. It has been a long time since Fanny and I have chortled so.

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