
Monday 14th April 1808

Dear Diary,
As it was such a bright and cloudless day, I took Python out for a gallop. I have sorely neglected my faithful steed and astride him I realised how I have missed his muscular movement between my thighs. I contemplated the route past Ballbanger Abbey but where the road finally forked allowed Python to decide and he chose the route to Netherghyll Gorge. It has been a long while since I have ventured there but Python must have remembered drinking from one of the pools in the stream that tumbles off the hillside. It is a pretty and secluded place and in past times the family have come there to swim. The trees are quite stunted in the shadow of the gorge and so I was forced to dismount and lead Python under them. Python heard the laughter before I did. He snorted and pricked his ears. Someone was at the pool. We moved forward, slowly, through the trees careful not to announce our arrival. The pool lies at the foot of a narrow cascade and only catches the sun for a short time in the day. As we turned the corner, there it lay glinting in the sun and cavorting and whooping about in it were three merry fellows. How brave of them to take to the water so early in the year! When I noticed that two were identical in face and form I knew they were the Dicker twins and the other must have been young Diddy Dicker. One of the twins climbed out upon a rock. I gasped as the water streamed off his naked body. The others were laughing as he waved his arms in the air and turned to dive back in. I could not help but stare and then;
"Hey up! Mr Austen!" said a voice I had heard before. I leapt upon the spot and turned to face Woody standing naked on the path close by. I know not from where he came. I flushed as I took in the sight and I lost control of my eyes as they went from his face, to his middle, to his face and to his middle again. I opened my mouth to say something but shut it again and turned sharply to exit and forgetting Python was behind me bumped into his head and was knocked to the floor. I was up before I scarcely landed and grabbing the rein pulled Python after me, back down the path.
"Come join us Mr Austen! Don' be shy!" shouted Woody from behind me. I did not look back. I did not need to. I could still see him and still can if I close my eyes.

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