
Sunday 27th April 1808

Dear Diary,
An unfortunate day made worse by miserable weather. It appears that sometime in the night the Chapel was divested of it's silver or 'wobbed!' as Mr Sprout described it. There was widespread shock in the congregation and much whispering about who could have carried out the deed and most seemed to be of one mind. I hope the accusations are untrue.
Back at the Grange dinner was even more muted when after having waited for Jane to appear for some ten minutes Titty entered with the news that; "Miss Austen regrets she will not be dining with the family tonight." It seems that she received some unwelcome news today. By all accounts there is a far more accomplished novel writer who also goes by the name of Jane Austen in Hampshire. I sense she is quite upset having heard a number of objects being flung about her room earlier in the day. She is now determined to become a Nun and is talking of entering Ballbanger Abbey. I fear that if she does, indeed, enter cloisters she will have to be careful of her diction after some of the vocabulary I have heard her utter today.

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