
Wednesday 19th March 1808

Dear Diary,
Today I received a notelet which read 'your a fuckwit'. Shock! Horror! How dreadful is that? Is it not plain that it should be 'you're' as in 'you are' and not 'your' meaning possession? Mrs Norris noted my shock upon receiving it and her curiosity is best assuaged in these instances. I showed her the note and she, all but, fainted and needed the attention of Mrs Crutchlow and her smelling salts. It was, surely, shock due to the lack of decent grammar. How I feel for the uneducated. The notelet was sadly anonymous and so I am unable to offer it's author correction. I wonder who has sent it. I know not what a fuckwit is. I have heard of a peewit, however, and know it to be a bird, similar in colour to a magpie though not as vindictive. I have a mind to ask Miss Dixon if she has ever stuffed a fuckwit.

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