
Saturday 2nd July 1811

Dear Diary,
Oh happy day!
I have so missed our intimate correspondences and so today, on a whim, whilst in Cobbler's Bottom I called into William Henry Smith's new book emporium next to 'Old Ma' Sainsbury's Grocery shop and bought  new leather bound diary and lo, here we are together once more.
I cannot tell you the delight I feel at the sight of all your crisp, virgin, ivory pages. I would sniff you and lovingly caress you to my cheek like a doe rabbit might unto it's long lost kitten, but as Mr Smith said you were bound in goat skin I fear my delicate olfactory system would scarce cope with the aroma. I have observed goats merrily rolling in their own feculence and although your binding appears unstained, I shall remain cautious at this time.
I shall endeavour to write as often as I may but I cannot always promise to tickle you nightly with my quill.
There have been some changes since out last discourse. I no longer reside with my parents at Thrushcock Grange but have relocated to a beautiful and spacious new lodge that father has had built in a secluded spot in the grounds of the Grange.
Here I dwell happily with Willow, yes for it is he, and we live together in the home we call 'Knob End'.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ah, my dearest Wayne,

Such a treat to find you are once again relieving yourself via your quill.
So happy to hear you and Willow are enjoying all the pleasures of 'Knob End' ;-)

Ever yours,