
Thursday 15th November 1807

Dear Diary,
I have not been neglecting you, nay nay, no no, it is just that the past few days have been so dull and uneventful that I felt it best not to bother you with their inane dullness. There was a monstrous eight -legged beast in the lavatory the other morning which made me feel faint with the horror of it but my dear Fanny set her pet cat, Tuppence upon it. Today I have heard news of our new neighbours at Cobbler's End. The rumour was that it was taken by two sisters but it seems the two gentlewomen are not related at all. While walking the woodland paths today I was privee to a conversation between Doctor Proctor and the Parson, though they were unaware of my presence. The ladies are to arrive at the weekend and then leaning ever closer to the Parson I am sure Doctor Proctor said that he believed them to be thespians. I feel I shall have to call upon them when they are comfortably settled and make their acquaintance.

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