Dear Diary,
In Chapel today, there was a noticeable faltering in the robust manner with which the congregation normally approaches the hymns and in particular during the second verse of "Onward Christian Soldiers". A great majority of the gathered had noticed the late arrival of Miss Lott and Miss Noring, our recently arrived new neighbours at Cobbler's End, as they slipped into a back pew. The Pastor's sermon was only remarkable in that it was more tedious than usual and seemed to last twice as long. Fanny and I excused ourselves from the usual post service gossiping and hurried up the lane after the ladies to make their acquaintance. We were quite out of breath by the time we caught up with them for, indeed, their pace was brisk and their strides long for gentlewomen. Beneath the bare branches of an oak tree we introduced ourselves and were happy to make the acquaintance of Miss Mona Lott and Miss Constance Noring. I enquired as to how they were finding Cobbler's End and they replied that it was comfortable and accommodating. We made polite small talk for some moments and were laughing at the Pastor's spiritless sermon when I blurted out that I had heard they were thespians. There was a sudden uncomfortable silence and the two ladies exchanged a pained glance. I felt that I had somehow offended them but knew not how. It was somewhat fortuitous that at that moment a squirrel ran up my leg, mistaking my tan breeches for a stout sapling, no doubt, in search of nuts. (The only trouble with this country living is that nature is abundant hereabouts and will insist upon encroaching upon my person.). The good ladies both dissolved into fits of laughter as I hopped about trying to rid myself of the little beast. All awkwardness seemed forgotten and we parted in good humour with the ladies inviting Fanny to call upon them to tickle their ivories.
I have such an array of scratches upon my inner thigh I cannot tell you. I pray that they do not become infected. Well that is all of note for today, and now I must away for I have need of mastication.
Kristin Chenowith - Home
14 years ago
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