
Saturday 16th July 1811

Dear Diary,
Such a disappointment greeted me as I tossed aside the curtains this morning. To say the weather was inclement would be a gross understatement. There cannot have been more than a drop of rain yesterday but I suspect Swithin's curse is upon us for the next forty days. 
Normally one would remain indoors on such a day as this but on this day I was seeking glory and nought was to keep me from that. 
I have boots and therefore no fear of a little mud.
Harden Thicke arrived to convey my, surely, prize winning entries up to the fete whilst Willow and I enjoyed a morning of harmonious fingering and blowing.
We ventured forth after midday and rode into Cobbler's Bottom.
The weather had certainly not deterred the good folk of the village and all was a-bustle as we trudged around the sodden field. 
Willow left me to meander as he had been called upon to entertain with his oboe.
I encountered Ned casting straw upon the sodden ground in an effort to make the pathways less bemired.
"Good day, Mr Austen," he smiled, " You're trying for a 'Norma' are you?"
By some coincidence many of the prizes given at the annual village fete are named after two late ladies of some consequence around these parts who both possessed the same Christian name...'Norma'.
"Indeed I am, Ned." I replied. "What brings you here on this miserable day?"
"I'm here to show my cock," he answered.
It was just then that I espied Mother and Mrs Norris standing close by the ale tent and wishing Ned good fortune wandered over to pay my respects.
Whilst we were conversing and lamenting the weather a group of Willow's pupils, led by the uncouth Willie Stroker attempted to find shelter beneath Mrs Norris' expansive bosom. I chased them off sharply and then we heard the bell ring to inform us that judging was over and the winners were to be announced.
I left the ladies and hurried off with bated breath. I noticed Harden Thicke standing in the ale tent amongst a group of young men. From the twitches in their breeches they too all possessed lively beasts within.
Oh Joy! I was one of the first names called and presented with the 'Norma Snose' trophy for my 'Duo of fruit and vegetables' which the judges described as 'magnificently presented.'
I hurried away from the prize giving to find Willow and share with him the good news.
Later we discovered Ned's cock won best in show and just as we were leaving to return to the warmth of Knob End, we once more encountered Mother and Mrs Norris. Mrs Norris was proudly carrying a trophy of her own which she had won for her embroidery.
"Mrs Norris!" I exclaimed, "you have a Norma Snose!"
"No, Wayne dear," she beamed, " I have a Norma Stitts!"


Anonymous said...

My dear Mr Austen, how my heart skips a beat that you have returned to penning your tales of life in your bottom

Here in Boltonford, one must make do with such shallow offerings

Ken Smith said...

Well, it made me giggle

Wayne Austen said...

My Dear Anonymous,

Boltonford?! How awful for you! You shall be no stranger to ferrets I'll wager!

Yours sympathetically,

Wayne Austen

Wayne Austen said...

My Dear Mr Smith,

I am delighted to make you titter.

Many happy returns!

Wayne Austen