
Wednesday 11th June 1808

Dear Diary,
I am most fatigued. Yesterday was quite hectic with the three departures of our recent guests. First, Dr Cojones bade us 'Au reboir,' and returned to 'Estoke on Trent' then Mrs Norris departed soon after, almost tossing her Winkie into the waiting barouche in her haste to be away. Mr McVay's departure was delayed and he left later in the afternoon as it took some time to hitch up his horses to his coach. It seems they were quite taken with our stables and were reluctant to leave it's confines.
Today has been very quiet and most uneventful. The only news I can convey is that Titty was absent again this morning as she has not been feeling well in recent days. Mrs Crutchlow seemed much more relaxed now that Mr McVay was departed and when I thought I heard tom cats fighting in the scullery, after lunch, was disturbed to find it was actually Mrs Crutchlow singing. I could not name the song.
In the garden, I encountered a pensive Ned, busy filling his watering can from the new water barrel.
"I like your butt, Ned, " I called as he walked away.
He just ignored me.


Anonymous said...

Oh, no! Titty's pregnant!!! Naughty, naughty Ned!


Anonymous said...

Dear Wayne,

Don't be disheartened by Ned's seeming lack of recognition to your interest in his butt, he is no doubt accustomed to its fine qualities. Your appreciation of it's pleasing shape and size is not lost I am sure. It must be that he was deep in his
thoughtfulness as you noticed. Perhaps he is concerned about dear Titty and her state of unwellness in the past several days.

Yours in pregnant pause,


Wayne Austen said...

My dear 'h'

Another medical splendid!

Yours transparently,

Wayne Austen

Wayne Austen said...

My dear Mr Moose,

I appreciate a well turned butt. Ned thinks more of Titty. We are so different in outlook.

Yours downheartedly,

Wayne Austen