
Friday 13th June 1808

Dear Diary,
Is it fitting that such a dramatic chapter of my life be concluded on such a portentous day? What does it bode for the chapter about to begin in the lives of Ned and Titty, I wonder?
The Family rose early and made the solemn journey to Effin Hall, arriving mid afternoon. For much of the journey the sky was overcast and threatened rain but brightened as the afternoon passed. There was an extraordinary moment, in the early evening, as we walked behind the carriage conveying Evelyn's body, whereupon a shaft of sunlight suddenly pierced the clouds and illuminated the little, stone Church ahead.
There were many more mourners inside than I had imagined and only a few empty pews remained at the back. St Hilda's was full of flowers and their scent was heady. Of course the service was led by 'Wevewand Spwout' who spoke of Evelyn's 'bwavewy in twying to wescue a fowiegn gentleman in distwess.' It was a beautiful service for one who did not deserve it. The singing, especially from the nuns in attendance was quite glorious. I turned to survey the congregation during one rousing hymn and caught the eye of Megan Bacon, who waved an acknowledgement and shook her head in sorrow. Looking past her, over her shoulder, I noticed a tall lady standing alone at the back. She was quite the most striking woman I have ever seen. She noticed my gaze and a smile touched her lips but then I turned away.
The burial was happily more straightforward than the last one I attended at Cobbler's Bottom. The evening sky was turning pink, there was not a breath of a breeze and the birds chorused in the trees around the churchyard. Finally, she was laid to rest and the family and mourners headed back to the Hall for the wake. I lingered awhile by the graveside and looked up at that beautiful sky and was thankful to behold it. I picked up a clump of earth and dropped it into the grave. It landed upon the coffin and broke and a thick worm squirmed out of it. I looked up and the woman I had seen at the back during the service was observing me a little way off. She held my gaze for a brief moment and then turned and walked away.


Anonymous said...

Dear Wayne,

I feel intrigue is forecast in your Friday the 13th entry. Your concoction of a plan with Ned is afoot and your subtle description of the mysterious tall woman as the most striking woman you have ever seen certainly peaks one's imagination for what the months ahead will bring forth and bring out.

Yours in anticipation,


Wayne Austen said...

My dear Mr Moose,

We never know what lies around the corner on the pathway of life.

Yours philosophically,

Wayne Austen