
Sunday 22nd June 1808

Dear Diary,
Alas, I should not have commented upon the dryness of the weather of late for it has done it's best to prove me wrong. Such a wet walk to and from Chapel. I hope I shall not have caught a chill. The Parson's sermon on charity was as dull as usual but must have made some impression upon me for after dinner I resolved to enter my closet and divest myself of unwanted attire. I was able to clear out a few unwanted garments, namely those knitted or bought by Mrs Norris. Believing that even the poor would have better taste than to wear them I took them to the stable for Father's Todger to nestle and dribble upon them. On returning indoors I bumped into Ned upon the stairs.
" Ned, do you remember recently when I complimented you on your jerkin?"
"Yes," he flushed as he visibly stiffened.
"Well, if you have a moment please come to my chamber. I would like you to try my jerkin and see if it pleases you. I am sure you will find it to your liking."
Strange, that was some hours ago and he has yet still to come.


Anonymous said...

Perhaps he's got a touch of amnesia and is repeating to himself endlessly, "Ned's chamber? Wear the fox hat!"

I too have some old garments I should get rid of--they were very au courant during the 1770s.


Anonymous said...

Dear Wayne,

Not to worry perhaps Ned has been completely satisfied with the style of jerkin he has afterall a man develops his style over time and may make some changes or improvements slowly with great attention to details and nuances that others may not notice at first but when pointed out with a little explanation another will sense their satisfaction. He may be giving his jerkin another try before he comes to try yours to see if he will appreciate any difference. Ned I am sure has a good head and he may be able to exchange even with you a few pointers in style and panache.

Yours with flair,


Wayne Austen said...

My dear mysterious Mr 'h',

The 1770's? I fear you give away something of your age!

Yours more youthfully....ahem,

Wayne Austen

Wayne Austen said...

My dear Mr Moose,

I am glad to hear from you again.
I sensed a short absence.

Yours concernedly,

Wayne Austen

Anonymous said...

Dear Wayne,

Thank you for your expression of concern but it was only weekend guests and lack of time that kept me away physically but not in thought. I pray the saying holds true that absence made the heart grow fonder.

Yours in hope,
