
Monday 27th October 1808

Dear Diary,
These five guinea shoes,
Are longing to stray,
Right through the very heart of it,
New York, New York.

How fortuitous a meeting! Woody has been in these parts for some months. It transpires he is good with his hands and has had a hand in or on many of the new erections hereabouts. It seems that he is very well connected in this city and ever grateful for my assistance back in the Nethers, is keen to assist me in my search for Willow and has said he will meet with us later in the day to relay what he has discovered from his enquiries.
Miss Dixon and I had some time to spend at our leisure. We wandered Broadway and it's environs. How difficult it is to refrain from looking up when there is so much to see but one has to pay attention to the pathway ahead for fear of ruining one's footwear.
Much of the city appears to be in a frenzy over the fate of some Oboomer Barracks. If I had a dollar for everytime I was solicited about their fate upon a street corner I should be a very rich man indeed. I just smiled politely and held up my hand declaring "I am from England." and then quietly, to myself, "I care not a jot!" I care not for the trappings of war. I am for peace and love, but especially love.
As for their eating habits, it is a wonder all these people are not obese from the size of the portions they dish out and such strange offerings they are too. I swear I saw, upon a board outside one roadside eatery, a 'hot dog' on offer with the boast of it being over a foot long! Poor thing! If this is what Independence brings, Heaven help them!
Our rendezvous with Woody was in the early evening in some well known 'Deli'. I passed on the pickled gherkins I was offered as they put me in mind of slugs with rigor mortis. I daresay I would have rather slipped in a 'hot dog' than those repulsive objects. Woody's face was solemn as he bit on one. I thought, serves you right. What is wrong with a cucumber sandwich?!
He had had no luck and had no information that could give me hope but said that I should not despair yet. He had a few other avenues to go down and had arranged to speak with a Dwight Schnitz in the morning.
I await with bated breath.


Anonymous said...

Dear Wayne,

Nice shoes!

Mmmm l e a t h e r,

Anonymous said...

Dear Wayne,

Great news that Woody may be of some assistance to you in your quest to find Willow.

How odd that you do not care much for 'hot dogs' I thought you a great fan of sausages.

Culinarily yours,
