
Thursday 30th October 1808

Dear Diary,
It's bye to you,
New York, New York!

When will this torment end?
'It is all part of life's rich tapestry' as Mrs Norris would say, ' there have to be black parts to make the colours stand out.'
I fear my tapestry is completely black!
Of course we hurried to the docks, yesterday, in the hope of catching Willow before he boarded a ship home but, alas, it was not to be. The Fates cruelly toy with me!
I have secured passage back across the ocean, and to add to my misfortune it is upon 'The Titan Nick' as it returns, laden with tobacco.
To be sure I would not miss it I enquired of the Captain, "Are you leaving Thursday?"
"Very! let's go get a drink!" he replied.
The boat sailed at noon today and I stood on deck and watched the city slip away.
I left Miss Dixon behind. She says she cannot return. Woody has said he will attend her and keep her from harm and has told me he is quite keen to introduce her to his Father.
"Willy Dicker?" I asked.
"If he gets the chance!" He winked.
So it is just you and I, Diary as we journey homeward, but I must be sparing with my entries, for few pages remain and our days together are numbered.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear Wayne,

Fear not the appellation of the vessel.

TITAN = One that is extraordinarily large and powerful.
NICK = As in the nick of time, just at the critical moment.

It is a good sign.

With you in spirit,
