
Saturday 16th October 1808

Dear Diary,
A cry went up just after midday and looking up into the rigging I saw a seaman gesticulating to starboard. Those of us on deck rushed to see what all the fuss was about and there, not ten feet from our ship, we saw a group of those smooth skinned creatures I observed in recent days. It seems Miss Dixon was right and they are not sea monsters but porpoise. They swam alongside, keeping pace with us for a good hour before disappearing in the depths. It was a welcome distraction from the boredom of our shipbound days.
The sea stretches endlessly port and starboard, fore and aft.
I wonder how Willow is passing these idle days and if he thinks of me as I him.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear Wayne,

I am quite certain that you are always in Willow's thoughts.

Yours positively,
