
Saturday 24th November 1807

Dear Diary,
It was a damp and miserable day but I desired solitude so dressed warmly and took myself down to the lake to fish. I had just got my tackle out and was fiddling with my rod when I was aware of eyes upon me. I turned and espied a beautiful vixen watching me from the path. Her sleek, amber coat was wet and shining and I noticed she was breathing heavily. For the briefest of moments we gazed into each others eyes and then she was gone. Almost immediately after, I heard the hounds approaching. Quickly, I removed my boots and filled them with water and proceeded to douse the path with water back and forth as far as I could in the little time I had before the hounds arrived. They were still swarming the path searching for the scent when the first horseman arrived. I feigned ignorance when he asked if I had seen anything of a fox. He remarked upon the stoutness of my rod and he was tempted to dismount and handle it for himself. I returned the favour by complimenting him on his lovely mount. He said he had also been lucky enough to ride her mother. At that moment the hounds, once more picked up the scent and took off. He bad farewell and continued after and was followed by several other riders on less attractive steeds. My appetite for fishing had gone and I restowed my tackle and returned home.
I received the good tidings from the stable lad this eve that the hunt had returned without a kill. I could have embraced him heartily had he not been shovelling manure.

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